Entered the market in 2012. Polaris is one of the first hops that marks the change of direction at the Hüll research centre. Around 2005, the focus shifted to developing unique aromas, and Mr Lutz set up a specific development programme for this purpose. High in alpha but also very high in oil content. This is in line with the chosen path in 2005.
Aroma profile: Spicy & Herbal
Specific aromas: Mint, pineapple, pepper, orange
Alpha: 19.1%
Origin: Germany
We always have the most recent harvest year in stock.
Entered the market in 2012. Polaris is one of the first hops that marks the change of direction at the Hüll research centre. Around 2005, the focus shifted to developing unique aromas, and Mr Lutz set up a specific development programme for this purpose. High in alpha but also very high in oil content. This is in line with the chosen path in 2005.
Aroma profile: Spicy & Herbal
Specific aromas: Mint, pineapple, pepper, orange
Alpha: 19.1%
Origin: Germany
We always have the most recent harvest year in stock.
Entered the market in 2012. Polaris is one of the first hops that marks the change of direction at the Hüll research centre. Around 2005, the focus shifted to developing unique aromas, and Mr Lutz set up a specific development programme for this purpose. High in alpha but also very high in oil content. This is in line with the chosen path in 2005.
Aroma profile: Spicy & Herbal
Specific aromas: Mint, pineapple, pepper, orange
Alpha: 19.1%
Origin: Germany
We always have the most recent harvest year in stock.
Want to order? Please fill in the form below and we’ll contact you as soon as possible.
Minimum order quantity per variety of hop: 5kg