
Came onto the market in the mid 80s. Cross between the English Petham Golding and an American male plant.

Aroma Profile: Herbs & Spices

Specific aromas: Grapefruit, spicy, resinous, pine, smoky

Alpha: 9.7%

Origin: USA - European grown

We always have the most recent crop year in stock.


Came onto the market in the mid 80s. Cross between the English Petham Golding and an American male plant.

Aroma Profile: Herbs & Spices

Specific aromas: Grapefruit, spicy, resinous, pine, smoky

Alpha: 9.7%

Origin: USA - European grown

We always have the most recent crop year in stock.

Came onto the market in the mid 80s. Cross between the English Petham Golding and an American male plant.

Aroma Profile: Herbs & Spices

Specific aromas: Grapefruit, spicy, resinous, pine, smoky

Alpha: 9.7%

Origin: USA - European grown

We always have the most recent crop year in stock.

Want to order? Please fill in the form below and we’ll contact you as soon as possible.

Minimum order quantity per variety of hop: 5kg